HowYou can changes lives.
Our faithful financial stewardship is one way we are invited to change lives. Our generosity funds the mission and ministry that we are deploying as a sign that God’s Realm is among us. Today we begin an intentional reflection titled Because of You, Our Church Changes Lives as a preparation for determining our investment in the ministry and mission of Boise First Congregational United Church of Christ.
You can complete your
Stewardship Pledge Online by going to:
Or download your packet here:
The Pledge Card and Time & Talent Survey can be returned through the mail or email them to or drop them off at the church.
Our mailing address is:
Boise First UCC
2201 Woodlawn Ave.
Boise, ID 83702
If you have any questions, please give us a call at 208-344-5731. Thank you.
Because of You our church changes lives.
It is a statement that is both bold and simple. It boldly expresses the truth about the ultimate nature and the purpose of the church: to engage in acts of transformation. It
boldly asserts that we see our mission as one that gives assurance to every individual that
their life matters, not because we say so, but because the gospel says so.
It boldly challenges us to engage in the work of breaking down barriers and dismantling systems which deny the fundamental truth that God loves the world. This radically inclusive belief leaves no living thing out of the Divine embrace or allows anyone to be separated from the hope of that promise.
We can be bold because we know it is true. Our own life stories bear witness that being a part of the beloved community in some way has either made us different; or causes us to fervently believe that it will. It gives us hope, reminds us of our value, calls us to discover and claim our purpose, clarifies the moral Right and Wrong, motivates us to be a part of something larger than ourselves all for the sake of change! Change that can more closely align us and our world with the values of the Realm of God. Our church matters because of you.
Our theme Because of You, Our Church Changes Lives is also simple. It recognizes that each of us, by our gifts and the decisions we make to employ them, power this sacred work. Our resources make ministry happen. The arithmetic is not complex. Our choice to grow in our generosity enables the church to increase the impact of the difference it makes.
By choosing to give, even a little bit more, we will expand our shared quest to change lives – even our own. Be bold! Take a step forward in your generosity. It’s simple! The choice is yours.