Boise First Leadership

Reverend Josh Lee

I am thrilled to share that my husband, Austin, and I are moved and excited to make Boise our new home, and I could not be more excited to serve as your pastor! Our journey here has been a Spirit-led adventure, and I’d love to share a bit of how we arrived at this beautiful moment.

It all began in the summer of 2024 when Austin turned to me and said, “I’m done with NYC!” After three years in the hustle and bustle of the big city, I was relieved. NYC has its charm, but I had felt ready for a change for some time. My next question was simple: “If not NYC, where next?” Austin didn’t hesitate. “Boise,” he said.

I didn’t know much about Boise, so I needed some convincing. But the more I learned, the more intrigued I became. I pulled up the UCC database of churches in search and discovered that Boise First was looking for a new pastor. Something clicked in my spirit, and I decided to apply.

What followed was a journey of discernment, excitement, and connection. After a few virtual interviews, we came for an in-person visit, and that sealed the deal. We fell in love with the vibrant spirit of the city and the warmth of the Boise First search committee. As my search wound down and other options presented themselves, it became abundantly clear: the Spirit was leading us to Boise.

That sense of clarity was only strengthened during candidate weekend when I had the privilege of meeting so many of you. Our connection was palpable, and your unanimous vote affirmed what I already felt—that this was the community I was called to serve. I must admit, in 15 years of ministry, I’ve never received a unanimous vote! As someone whose identity as an LGBTQ pastor has often sparked controversy, this moment felt especially profound and affirming.

We closed on our house, packing up our life, and are enjoying settling into our new home and the rhythms of this incredible community. Boise already feels like home, and we can’t wait to start this new chapter together.

I look forward to worshiping, dreaming, and growing with you as we embrace all the ways God is calling Boise First UCC to be a beacon of love, justice, and hope in the world.


(208) 344-5731

Mary Guinard, Communications Manager


(208) 344-5731